You’re in the market for a new vehicle. There are some features (or lack thereof) that your current car possess will most likely be the main reason for you wanting to upgrade, along with a possible lifestyle change (new job, new baby, retiring, etc). Perhaps you have realised that you need a bigger boot or maybe you feel that your rusty old Fiat Uno won’t quite fit in with your new high-flying sales job or maybe you are just tired of not having air-con. So, you decide that it’s time for an upgrade.
By the time you ask your motoring journalist friend or Facebook acquaintance for advice, you have undoubtedly already done your research based on your budget as well as your needs, and you have probably narrowed it down to about two to three options. Out of those three, you have a favourite, but yet you still decide to ask for advice. Trust me on this one, you don’t want it.
If your friend/acquaintance even utters one wrong word about your favourite (not knowing that it’s your favourite because you’ve just asked, “Hey what do you think of the xxx and yyy and zzz as potential cars for me?”), you are going to have your back up. If you decide to not go for the one you really wanted and instead go for the one recommended to you, you will always wonder “what if?”. And if the vehicle that was recommended to you even so much as creaks in the wrong place, you are going to think ill thoughts about it, but if it was the car that you had your heart on from the start, these creaks and noises will be known as character traits as far as you are concerned.
So, my advice to you (not that you want or need it), is to buy the vehicle that “speaks to you”. Even if you have been told that it looks horrendous, that it’s not practical, that it’s French, Korean, Indian, etc, if you like the vehicle, you like the vehicle. If you’ve seen that it’s reliable, that it ticks all your boxes, it’s a safe and within your budget, then go for it. You are the one who has to live with the car at the end of the day.